In addition to our business and personal responsibilities, money from our work at I Love Them Enough goes towards a variety of additional priorities. We share in case this might prompt a consideration if you want to factor charitable giving into your plans.


Responsibilities, Family, and More

Of course the first place our money goes is to our business obligations. Then, from the income that goes to Scot Conway, that pays his personal bills and helps him take care of his mother. There are many projects that he is working on that do not generate revenue, and I Love Them Enough helps support that work.


Our name, Ten by Three, was inspired by the Prosperity Wages formula we pioneered. When we purchase 10 products a month from an artisan over the course of a few years, our artisans are able to fund 3 businesses of their own and reach a sustainable end to poverty.


Since 9/11, we have been helping America’s heroes by providing mortgage-free homes to Gold Star and fallen first responder families with young children and by building specially-adapted smart homes for catastrophically injured veterans and first responders. We are committed to eradicating veteran homelessness.


Throughout the past decade, we have dedicated ourselves to empowering survivors and eliminating this atrocious crime on a global scale. As we mark these milestones, we promise to continue this noble mission, helping survivors fulfill their dreams and aspirations.


Dignified Employment prevents exploitation and empowers survivors.

Human Trafficking Today

40.3 million people trapped in modern day slavery. Like you, we are troubled with modern day slavery. Dignified Employment prevents exploitation and restores dignity for survivors by providing a good wage, safe workplace, life skills, job training, and dignity from supporting oneself. Our customers and partners have generated over 30,000 hours of Dignified Employment.


Quest Xian is a 501c3 that operates as a church and charity. Funds go mostly to the Quest Xian benevolence fund that helps people with emergencies of many kinds. Over the past decades, Quest Xian has provided food, housing, counseling, legal services, and many other services - and has supported other ministries and charities.


Adventure Mind is a 501c3 focused on adaptive athletics. The first-focus is on supporting the multi-year USA blind surfing champion and expanding from there to keep him able to compete in national and international contests.


Does I Love Them Enough include a Will and Trust?

Simple answer: No.

The reasons for that are more clear as you go, but let's say this: 90% of the problems we've seen are NOT in the documents. We tend to get the documents we "should" get without understanding what we need to do before and after. When you know what you need, we can help you get what you need.

I'm Busy. Really Busy. But I need ... something. Will this work?

Ten minutes a day. Watch the video or download the audio or get the slide deck... whatever works for you. You can even do the watch/listen part while you do something else. It's all in small, bite-sized pieces with quick, easy assignments. One small step at a time, with almost no extra time required from your schedule. Even busy people can get it all done!

I Want This Done NOW. Can I just do it all fast?

There is an hour-by-hour option where you watch the core program of six lessons all at once and do six small assignments as you go. If you want, you can treat it like a one-day Intensive and do it all right now.

For business, take it phase by phase. How much work you'll have to do for your business will depend upon you and the state of your business. But the actual work can be done in dedicated time or as-you-go. It's up to you!

I Hear you GUARANTEE Your Program. What does that mean?

After decades as an attorney and seeing way too many disasters, he knows what we're missing. A tiny percentage of people might go through the whole program and think "I already knew ALL of that, and I do the parts that apply to me and my family. It wasn't worth the investment." If that happens to be you... you can get your money back.

All of it.

We even give you 60 days - plenty of time to do the whole program day-by-day - and even after you've been through the whole program, you can get all of your money back... with our congratulations for already knowing!

Related to that: "But aren't you worried people will cheat you?"

No. Not really.

But let's suppose someone is the sort of person who would buy a program, use a program, get value from it, and then ask for their money back as a cheat... us giving back money isn't the biggest problem.

The bigger problem is that someone with a cheat-people philosophy is making plans for their family. So, if we're dealing with someone who would cheat us, they'd cheat their extended family, and we'd rather not have anything to do with them anyway!

Worse, if a business professional would do that, it's not just about family, it's about business! That means family, clients, team members, vendors... and we're perfectly okay not doing business with such people.